
Donation & Application Forms 
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1. 捐款通知書 (一頁)
Donation Form (one page )
8. 兒童健康證書課程訂購表格 (六頁)
Certificate Course in Childhealth
(6 pages)
2. 刊物訂購表格 (四頁)
Publications / Videotapes Order Forms (4 Pages)
9. 兒童健康證書課程考試表格 (兩頁)
Examination for Certificate Course in Childhealth
3. 義工申請表 (一頁)
Volunteers' Form (1 page)
10. 兒童健康高級證書課程訂購表格 (六頁)
Higher Certificate Course in Childhealth (6 pages)
4. 免費索取兒童健康紀錄 (一頁)
Free "Health Record Book" (1 page)
11. 兒童健康高級證書課程考試表格 (兩頁)(2 pages)
Examination for Higher Certificate Course in Childhealth
5. 小學體適能獎勵計劃
Primary School Physical Fitness Award Scheme
12. 單車安全常識問答比賽 (九頁)
Quiz in Cycling
(9 pages)
6. 中學體適能獎勵計劃
Secondary School Physical Fitness Award Scheme
13. 其它申請表
Other Application Forms
7. 幼兒運動能力獎勵計劃 (四頁)
Pre-school Motor Performance Award Scheme(4 pages)