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2006至2007年度學校體適能獎勵計劃學校進步獎 ( 中學 )
SPFAS 2006-7 School Progressive Awards for Secondary Schools

*( 今年的學 校 成就獎 指數 - 前年的學 校 成就獎 指數 ) / 前年的獲獎指數 * 100
(Current Year's Achievement Award Index - Previous Year's Achievement Award Index)/Previous Award Index * 100
# 學校編號 ( 教育統籌局註冊的六位數字編號 ) The 6-digit EMB Registration Number

The deadline for entry of data is at midnight on the 31st August 2007. Therefore the ranking of the schools for the School Achievement Award and School Progressive Award 2006 to 2007, appearing on the web on the 1st September 2007 would be FINAL.
輸入資料最後期限是在二零零七年八月三十一日半夜十二時正, 在二零零七年九月一日學校成就獎和學校進步獎的排位次序為最終的決定

2006-2007 的學校總成績(由大到小排列)*
In Chronological Order of the total schools' scores for 2006-7 *
School Code #
Name of School in Chinese (optional)
Name of School in English (optional)